• About CLME
    • Brief Introduction
    • Goals and Objectives
    • Geographic Scope
    • CLME People

    The geographic scope of the full-sized GEF-funded CLME Project corresponds to 2 of the World's 64 Large Marine Ecosystems (LMEs): 

    The "Caribbean" LME -- The "North Brazil Shelf" LME

    The participating countries in the CLME Project include the 23 GEF-eligible countries from the region (see the table and map below), together with the 2 "associated countries" Cuba* and Venezuela* (both of which are also GEF-eligible)

    The project area also comprises of dependent territories from France, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and the United States of America, which are not direct beneficiaries from the GEF-grant, but whose collaboration with the CLME Project is encouraged.

    Antigua & Barbuda - Bahamas - Barbados - Belize - Brazil - Colombia - Costa Rica - Cuba* - Dominica - Dominican Republic - Grenada - Guatemala - Guyana - Haiti - Honduras - Jamaica - Mexico - Nicaragua - Panama - Saint Kitts & Nevis Saint Lucia - Saint Vicent & the Grenadines - Suriname - Trinidad & Tobago - Venezuela* - USA**

    What came before: the PDF-B Phase of the CLME Project 

    Preliminary analyses of transboundary problems in the CLME were already conducted prior to the start of the GEF-funded "Full-Size" CLME Project (2009-2013), under the so-called GEF PDF Preparaty Block B Grant (2006-2008).

    For this purpose the CLME Region was subdivided in 3 sub-regions, and for each one of these regions a preliminary Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis was completed. These 3 sub-regions were:

    1. Insular Caribbean
    2. Central & NW South America
    3. Guianas/Brazil (NE South America)

    Governance arrangements for marine

    ecosystems of the Wider Caribbean Region


    Regional Governance Framework Overview


    Regional Governance Framework

  • Large Marine Ecosystem Governance Framework

    There has been a diversity of efforts to further elaborate the Large Marine Ecosystem Governance Framework that underlies the design of the CLME Project and the work of this component. Explanations of the Framework and various related publications are available.
    Access the CERMES LME governance framework website here

    Science policy interface

    One of the activities involves interviewing policy makers and the advisors to determine their views on what inputs are needed for an effective ocean governance policy interface in the Wider Caribbean. The final report can be downloaded here.

    Ecosystem valuation

    A review of work on marine ecosystem valuation in the Wider Caribbean has been completed by Dr. Peter Schuhmann of University on North Carolina. This paper also describes a framework and process for pursuing a comprehensive a comprehensive regional valuation of marine ecosystem goods and services.

    The key messages from this review have been summarized in a Policy Perspective entitled 'Economic value of goods and services from marine ecosystems in the Wider Caribbean: State of knowledge and next steps'. To access the report, please visit Cermes Website.

    This work has led to engagement with key partners at the World Resources Institute who have been active in this area for some time through their Coastal Capital initiative.


    Governance assessments in pilots and case studies

    Governance assessments are being carried out for a variety of living marine resource situations in the pilot projects and case studies using a methodology adapted for the CLME Project.
    Drafts of some of these assessments can be viewed or downloaded using the links below:


    POSTAL ADDRESS: Edificio Chambacú - Oficina 405, Cra 13B# 26-78, Cartagena de Indias, Bolívar, Colombia

    EMAIL: info@clmeproject.org