Port of Spain, February 27, 2018 – Representatives of 18 civil society organisations (CSOs) and small and micro enterprises (SMEs) from 14 countries within the Caribbean and North Brazil Shelf Large Marine Ecosystems region (CLME+ region) met in Trinidad and Tobago, from January 16 – 19, to develop a Civil Society Action Programme (C-SAP), that would contribute to strengthening the role, participation and ownership of civil society actors in the implementation of the politically endorsed 10-year Strategic Action Programme for the Sustainable Management of the Shared Living Marine Resources in the CLME+ region (CLME+ SAP). The vision of the CLME+ SAP is “a healthy marine environment in the CLME+ that provides benefits and livelihoods for the well-being of the people of the region”.
In her opening remarks, Nicole Leotaud, Executive Director of the Caribbean Natural Resources Institute (CANARI) noted “this is the first time that I know of where funding has been dedicated under a project to shape the role of civil society in marine governance and management”. She then added “if we get this right, it is potentially a model that can be taken to governments and donors to say civil society can play a role, help us.”
The CLME+ C-SAP will include prioritised actions for civil society involvement in addressing the three transboundary issues (unsustainable fisheries, habitat degradation and pollution) identified in the CLME+ SAP, that have the greatest impact on the health and functioning of the marine ecosystems in the region. It will also include a strategy to support engagement of CSOs and SMEs in the CLME+ SAP through capacity building, strengthening enabling institutions, forming partnerships and facilitating coordination.

CSO and SME representatives affirmed their commitment to use and promote the utilisation of the CLME+ C-SAP in the implementation of programmes, projects and initiatives in the CLME+ region. The final draft of the C-SAP is expected to be completed by the end of June 2018.
In addition to developing the CLME+ C-SAP, activities are in train to promote the establishment of a Small Grants Coordination Mechanism to support implementation of the C-SAP. The development of this mechanism will be discussed with multilateral and bilateral donors, philanthropic organisations and their intermediaries at a donor roundtable entitled “Effective support for civil society and the Caribbean Sea and North Brazil Shelf Large Marine Ecosystems”. The donor roundtable will be held in Barbados, from March 20 – 21, 2018.
About the project: The development of the CLME+ C-SAP and Small Grants Coordinating Mechanism are key activities under the two-year (January 2017 – December 2019) “Engaging Civil Society in CLME+ SAP Implementation” project. The project is being implemented by CANARI as a co-executing partner under the five year (2015-2020) United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)/Global Environment Facility (GEF) “Catalysing Implementation of the Strategic Action Programme for the Sustainable Management of shared Living Marine Resources in the Caribbean and North Brazil Shelf Large Marine Ecosystems” project (CLME+ Project) to promote broader participation of, and contributions from, civil society groups in the implementation of the CLME+ SAP. See here for more information: http://www.canari.org/clme-csap.
About CANARI: The Caribbean Natural Resources Institute is a regional, technical, non-profit organisation which has been working in the islands of the Caribbean for more than 20 years. Our mission is to promote equitable participation and effective collaboration in managing natural resources critical to development. Our programmes focus on research, sharing and dissemination of lessons learned, capacity building and fostering regional partnerships. See here for more information on CANARI: http://www.canari.org/.
For further information: Please see http://www.canari.org/clme-csap, contact Terrence Phillips at CANARI at terrence@canari.org or call: 1-868-626-6062
Submitted on February 27, 2018